Tissue Mapping Centers for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (U54 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


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This FOA (略)pport sta(略)rt Tissue(略)nters (TM(略)ll serve (略) data gen(略) the HuBM(略)um by gen(略)igh-resol(略)i-paramet(略)s of a no(略)human org(略)ful cente(略)ld, bench(略)tandardiz(略) for gene(略)idating a(略)g data fr(略)xed, high(略) imaging (略)echnologi(略) will be (略) integrat(略)ize all p(略) data gen(略)eline, fr(略)ollection(略)vation th(略)ta integr(略)ysis and (略)ion in or(略)d high-re(略)ps. Cente(略) these ma(略)de new in(略) intra-, (略)extra- ce(略)nizationa(略)that infl(略)e functio(略)oss indiv(略)hat chang(略)e lifespa(略)nd of fou(略)funding, (略)l center (略)reated a (略) number o(略)lution, m(略) multi-di(略)olecular,(略)nd morpho(略)s from mu(略)rs that a(略)ed into a(略)reference(略)that orga(略)