Disaster Assistance for State Units on Aging (SUAs) and Tribal Organizations in Major Disasters Declared by the President


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Grants aw(略) this ann(略)re to pro(略)er reimbu(略) assistan(略) those St(略)n Aging ((略)federally(略) Tribal O(略)s who are(略)receiving(略)der Title(略)Older Ame(略)(OAA), as(略)hese fund(略)me availa(略)e Preside(略) a Major (略)der the R(略)lief and (略)ssistance(略)y only be(略)ose areas(略) in the D(略)laration (略)he Presid(略)United St(略)the Rober(略)rd Relief(略)ncy Assis(略)Eligible (略)tle VI gr(略)ld discus(略)ter appli(略)h ACL Reg(略) before s(略) formal a(略) The amou(略) requeste(略) discusse(略)onal staf(略)e applica(略)pleted. P(略)draft of (略)ve justif(略) the appl(略)the Regio(略)will help(略)he proces(略)award. Ap(略)ould talk(略)tate and (略)ency Mana(略)ermine wh(略)y be avai(略)gh other (略)efore app(略)AA fundin(略)d federal(略)ed Tribal(略)ons curre(略)ing a gra(略)tle VI of(略)st submit(略)electroni(略)ttp://www(略). At http(略)s.gov, yo(略)ble to do(略)py of the(略)n packet,(略)t off-lin(略) upload a(略)he applic(略)he Grants(略)e